Managing a government fleet is not an easy task. It requires several things to be taken care of. Each vehicle in the government fleet is different and has to be dealt with differently. Some may require an oil change, tire change, battery boost, while some may need replacement of key components.
5 Things to be Kept in Mind While Managing a Government Fleet
- If you are offering automotive fleet services keep in mind that the usage of vehicles that are a part of the government fleet is quite high.
- Vehicles must be repaired and serviced within the shortest possible time.
- With the government department, the budget is always a constraint.
- High-performance standards of the vehicles need to be met.
- Comprehensive support and vehicle care must be provided during emergencies.
Preventive maintenance service checklist for government fleet:
- Engine oil change
- Air filter change
- Coolant change
- Braking system
- Battery boost
- Tire change
- Fleet tire services
- Wheel alignment/ balancing
- Exhaust system
- Fluid leakages
- Fuel system
- Interior and exterior lights
- Windshield and wipers
Here are 5 tips for improving and effectively managing the government automotive fleet services.
Understanding the Requirements of Government Fleets
- Managing government fleets is quite different from managing other commercial fleets.
- There is so much to handle within minimum time and a tight budget of course.
- One needs to be conscious of the cost and time factor while not compromising on the quality of services like fleet tire services.
Keeping the Overall Government Fleet Maintenance Cost Low
- Managing a government fleet always has budget constraints.
- The cost of repairs and maintenance like battery boost, oil change, etc. always needs to be kept as per the budget.
- The worn-out parts need to be repaired in-house rather than relying on any third party.
- As far as possible, the focus must be on repairs and not the replacement of parts.
- Components must be procured from local vendors instead of vendors located at far-off locations. This will help lower the shipping costs significantly.
Making the Vehicles Accessible to the Department as Soon as Possible
- Government vehicles often experience downtime mainly due to the way they are driven.
- It is crucial to reduce downtime and get the vehicles back up and running on the road in the least possible time with automotive fleet services in Calgary.
Focus on Preventive Maintenance
- Even though the budget is low and time is less, preventive maintenance is what will help the vehicles in the long run.
- For example, an oil change today will ensure that the engine holds good for at least 5000 miles more.
- Similarly, a battery test would make sure a vehicle does not suddenly stop midway.
Not Compromising on Safety
- It is crucial to ensure that all government vehicles are safe to be driven on the road.
- For example, in fleet tire services, it is essential to make certain that all tires of the vehicles are in good condition and there is no safety issue while driving.
Book an appointment for automotive fleet services.
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