Most of the modern cars that we see on the roads have a cabin air filter installed. Without the cabin air filter, the air entering the car from outside would be contaminated and polluted.
What is the Function of the Cabin Air Filter?
- The cabin air filter is different from the engine air filter.
- Just like the engine has an engine air filter, the car’s HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system has a cabin air filter.
- The cabin air filter ensures that clean air is free from pollutants and contaminants that enter the cabin from outside.
- It helps maintain the air quality inside the car’s cabin.
- This system prevents dust, debris, dust, mould, pollen, and other fine particles from entering the car’s cabin.
- The cabin air filter is permeable to air, but does not allow pollutants and contaminants to pass through.
Why is a Cabin Filter Change Essential?
Ultimately, as the cabin air filter gets older, the pores get clogged with dust, debris, pollen, and micro particles from the air. If the cabin filter change is not done on time, the air contaminants will pass through the old filter and enter the vehicle’s cabin, resulting in serious health problems, especially, for the respiratory system. Not just this, but a dirty cabin air filter will obstruct the airflow to the cabin as well.
How Frequently is a Cabin Filter Change Required?
- Dirty or clogged filters need to be replaced immediately to maintain the air quality inside the car.
- Most vehicle manufacturers recommend a cabin filter change every 20,000-25,000 km.
- It is advisable to change the cabin filter at least once a year to ensure the quality of air inside the car.
Step-by-Step Procedure for Changing Cabin Filters
Step 1: Safety is Essential
- Safety is important because the cabin air filter can be really dirty.
- You must consider wearing gloves, a mask, or even goggles.
Step 2: Locate your Car’s Cabin Air Filter
- The location of the cabin air filter varies from vehicle to vehicle.
- It may be located under the hood, under the dashboard, or below the glove box.
- Check the owner’s manual to find the location of the cabin air filter.
Step 3: Remove the Old Cabin Air Filter
- To remove the cabin air filter, remove the nuts or screws that hold the filter housing together.
- When removing the cabin air filter, note the direction of the arrows on it.
Step 4: Install the New Cabin Air Filter
- Place the new filter in the same position and direction as the old one was. The arrows on the filter denote the airflow direction.
Step 5: Reinstall the Housing Cover
- Place the housing cover back the way you removed it.
- If you had to remove the glove box or dashboard, put them back in place.
A cabin filter change will ensure that the air you are breathing when driving the vehicle is clean, dust-free, and does not have airborne contaminants.
Contact Urban Lube for cabin air filter change.
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