Maintaining tires in better condition will protect you from accidents and collisions. Moreover, it will also save your money on roadside assistance and mobile tire change and replacement services.
To stay safe and to avoid getting stuck on the road we will share major tips for tire maintenance in this blog post:
- Use tires that fit the weather. Canadians experience extreme temperatures. The season and drastic changes in the temperature also affect the road conditions. Therefore, using the right tires according to the weather is necessary. For example, in winter, you must switch to the winter tire from summer or all-season tires.
- Regularly inspect the tire tread of your car. If it is balding, then it is an indicator that you will get reduced tractions on the road. This can be dangerous. As soon as you see this sign you must get a tire change.
- Wheel alignment and balancing is another important thing you must put in your tire maintenance checklist. The right wheel alignment and balancing are necessary to have better control over the vehicle while driving on the difficult road. It is also mandatory for long term use of the tire and saving money on frequent tire change and replacement. You need to take the help of your technician who services the vehicle to ensure correct wheel alignment.
- You should change the tire cross ways to reduce the wear of the tires. This will not only keep tires in good condition, but it will also help in avoiding puncture and other issues on the road.
- If you are driving on slushy roads, make sure you do not spin your winter tire too much. If your tire is stuck, try moving back and forth to get out of that situation. Too much spin can damage the tires and reduce its life.
- Always maintain the right air pressure in your tires. Before taking the first ride of the day, check the tires for the correct air pressure. Low pressure can result in puncture and too high pressure would make your drive uncomfortable by causing stability issues.
- When you invest in tire change and replacement, invest in a complete tire change. For example, when you are going to change the tires due to winters, you should get a winter tire along with the tube and rim. Do not just get a rubber. Changing the complete tire will not only give better performance, but also expand the life of the tires.
- In any condition, the vehicle should not be overloaded. Loading the vehicle more than the recommended weight can add stress on the tires along with other crucial components of it. This may cause small to major damages such as:
- Flat tire
- Increased fuel consumption
- Balance issues on the road
- And more
Tire maintenance should be part of your regular vehicle maintenance checklist to enjoy the excellent performance of your vehicle and safe drive.
Book an appointment to change tires.