We all know that vehicle oil changes are a must at regular intervals of time to ensure that the car keeps on functioning smoothly when it hits the road. However, the questions that bother most of us are what should be the correct time gap between oil change or what is the correct number on the odometer for an oil change? Should you wait some extra time when the oil change and maintenance of the car are already due to saving a few extra bucks or should you make it a point to take your car to the garage right away in order to ensure vehicle lubrication?
Here are Some Recommendations for Car Owners:
- The conventional recommendation from mechanics and most experts is to get the vehicle oil change done every 5000 km or 6 months, whichever comes first.
- Some experts recommend making the most out of the money spent on the previous oil change by waiting for at least 10,000 km before going in for the next vehicle oil change.
- In today’s competitive world of car sales, most car manufacturers recommend an extended service period and oil change for the car, which may range from 20,000 km to 25,000 km. The auto manufacturers make these promises in order to captivate the customers.
After all, who wouldn’t like to save money on car maintenance and oil changes by only going after a long time interval? However, the reality is far different from what the auto manufacturers say to their customers.
The oil change frequency depends on a number of factors. Before diving into these factors we must first understand that old dirty oil does not do the same job as a clean and fresh oil does. Old oil is filled with contaminants and moisture from the air, which is detrimental to the life of the engine. Also, with time, the engine oil becomes less viscous, leading to reduced vehicle lubrication. Opting for a vehicle oil change at regular intervals helps to reduce friction between the different engine parts and enhances vehicle lubrication.
Let’s Discuss the Factors to be Kept in Mind by Car Owners:
- If you have a new car, it would be best advised to follow the oil change recommendations given in the user manual by the automobile manufacturer. However, like most people in Canada, if you plan to keep the vehicle for a long time after the manufacturer’s warranty coverage is over, it would be a wise choice to opt for a vehicle oil change and inspection at least twice a year. The periodicity for an oil change in vehicles is all about striking the correct balance, depending upon the model of the car.
- The driving conditions also have an influence on the frequency of vehicle oil changes. In extreme driving conditions, the engine does not get heated up enough to remove the moisture. Thus, water gets accumulated in the engine crankcase affecting the performance of the car engine. Below are some extreme driving conditions:
- A lot of stop-and-start driving
- Peak-hour traffic
- Short trips within the city
- Long time gaps before you get your car out to run on the road
- Your car does not hit the highway at high speeds regularly
- Driving in hot and dry weather where a lot of dust and dirt blow along with the air. This dust gradually builds up in the engine, hampers the vehicle lubrication and reduces the engine life in the long run.
If you are driving in any of these extreme conditions, it is best to get a vehicle oil change done every 1,500 to 3,000 km, especially if your vehicle is not a new one. If you have a new vehicle and you drive in such extreme conditions, then under no circumstances should you exceed the recommended time interval given by the car manufacturer. Deciding on the right time to get the vehicle oil change done is vital for vehicle lubrication and to increase the life expectancy of the car engine. You can also rely on the help of a local oil change service provider to take care of routine maintenance and oil changes to keep your car efficacious.
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